Saturday, 22 September 2012

Risley Moss - 5 May 2012 - The Woodpecker Magnet Strikes Again

Today we made our first visit to Risley Moss Country Park, Birchwood. Just 20 miles east on the M62, this small reserve sits on a boggy landscape from which, large  amounts of peat were taken during the industrial revolution. It is now recognised as an important wildlife area and has SSSI status.

After a walk around to familiarise ourselves with the surroundings, we headed to the tower look-out, an excellent place to spot passing raptors. A Common Buzzard soon obliged us before landing in a nearby tree. We found the feeder hide and watched grey squirrels 'breaking and entering' and defying gravity to reach some of the feeders. Blue, Great and Coal Tits fed as if oblivious to the chaos, and a more nervous Jay popped in and out when given the chance.

Next up, and the days highlight, were two very different coloured male Great Spotted Woodpeckers. First to show was a very buff coloured specimen. Probably an oldish bird, having been exposed to lots of tree resin or tannins. Another male showed shortly after, and this was a more natural coloured bird and probably younger. We did get a glimpse of both birds together and the contrasting coloration was amazing.

Crazy squirrels (very crazy) and two Great Spotted's - PK was a happy bunny!

Buff coloured male Great Spotted Woodpecker

Another male with more natural, whiter coloration

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