Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A Quiet Day in the Wood - 22 July 2012

A good start at Mere Sands Wood as we found a pair of Common Tern out on the raft on the Hollow.  They were taking fairly frequent fishing trips, so we assumed they had a successful brood in the raft but it was impossible to say for certain.

The waters were rather quiet to be honest, with very little to see apart from lots of evidence of a Mallard bumper breeding season. We did hear Great Spotted's a few times but even PK's woodpecker-witchery could not flush one out for us!

We settled for a gentle stroll and some insect spotting, although we didn't need to search too hard for the Common Darters as they were everywhere.

We lunched by the feeders - but not much else did!

Common Darter (female) @ MSW

Bumblebee @ MSW

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