Sunday, 3 February 2013

Deux Loutres - 20 August 2012

For a final trip to Brenne, we returned to the Cherine reserve and had a look around La Maison de la Nature - visitor centre (closed on Tuesdays remember). We collected a few maps and brochures and headed for the main viewing hide,  crossing a boardwalk on the way where we found a number of flowering Water Lilies.

The hide (open to public 10:00am - 12:30pm) looks out on a rather picturesque Cistude Lake. We first watched a Grey Heron fishing and eventually saw it take a fish of about 500g. To our left, we had an ebony and ivory scene as a Cormorant and Little Egret were busy preening next to each other. Further out on the lake we saw Mute Swans, Coot, Mallard and a congregation of Cormorant roosting on a sunken tree.

As this would be our last day here, we decided to make a return trip Sous Lake, as we were still wondering why the hide had been so full on our previous visit. On the walk to the hide we spotted lots of dragonflies and darters, plus the remnants of a few orchids that were long past their best days for this summer. The hide was again busy and although the Whiskered Tern were still present, there was nothing out of the ordinary. We stayed for over an hour watching disappointed faces leave, until we had the place to our selves.

A little later, as I studied the Terns, PK unleashed one of her excitable intakes of breath. "Otter" she whispered. We watched the nearby reeds moving for some time with me declaring that it was probably just a Mallard. Then, all went still and and there they were... Out in the open water in front of us was an adult female otter with a young pup. We were no more than 5 yards from them as they swam past the hide and disappeared. Mystery solved!

Quelle magnifique finale.

Water Lily at Maison de la Nature

Whiskered Tern - post breed adult at Sous Lake

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